Sealed proposals will be received by Opelika City Schools Board of Education at the office of Dr. Farrell Seymore, Superintendent, 300 Simmons Street, Opelika, AL, 36801 until 1:00 PM Central Standard Time, March 13, 2025.
The general scope of the work includes but is not limited to interior renovations for Southview Primary School and West Forest Intermediate School.
To obtain Drawings & Specifications click link below:
Advertisement for Invitation to Bid for Interior Renovations to Southview Primary and West Forest Intermediate Schools
Drawings and specifications may be purchased from Alabama Graphics, 2801 5th Ave, South, Birmingham, AL 35233, 205-252-850.5 Contractors must purchase sets at their own expense - no deposits or refunds will be allowed. Drawings may be examined at the offices of TurnerBatson Architects, 1950 Stonegate Drive, Suite 200, Birmingham, Alabama 35242, the office of Birmingham Construction Industry Authority (BCIA), and F.W. Dodge Birmingham (a.k.a. McGraw Hill), Associated General Contractors, Reed Construction Data on Friday, February 28th, 2025.