Wellness Policy

In compliance with ACT (Public Law 108: Section 204) and the nutrition policies adopted by the Alabama State Department of Education on July 12, 2005, Opelika City Schools has developed this Wellness Policy to support a healthy school environment that sets a positive life style example for our students. It has always been, and will continue to be the intent of this school district to do what is best for the well being of our students including diet, nutrition education, and exercise.

I. Food Guidelines
Opelika City Schools shall maintain a healthy school nutrition environment in compliance with Alabama State Board of Education policies adopted on July 12, 2005.

CNP programs shall follow a traditional food based program when planning and serving meals. CNP shall follow the State Board of Education policies, and those measures required by the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act.

Food rewards for students shall not be allowed.

School parties shall be planned with the Wellness Policy in mind. Principals will try to keep parents informed of allowable foods for parties. Principals shall monitor the frequency of school parties, and will try to maintain the integrity of Alabama Board of Education and U.S. Congressional goals to reduce obesity in children. A guideline will be developed and disseminated to parents to inform them of the intent of the guidelines, and the requirements of approved food items.

Classroom activities - Example: A pizza party, sponsored by the City of Opelika, for the class that recycles the most telephone books - will be allowable. This party shall not coincide with school meal service times. Principals shall monitor these events.

Fund Raisers shall be planned with the integrity of the school wellness policy in mind. Discussion and consideration shall be given to offer items that contribute to a healthy life style. Selling any items during the school day that can interfere with the school meal program is prohibited. While we encourage healthy fundraising options, items sold after the school day, are exempt from this plan.

Vending, school stores, and/or group sales are not permitted in Opelika City Schools for selling to students during the school day.

II. Nutrition Education Guidelines
Opelika City Schools shall ensure that the requirements of the State Department of Education curriculum guide are met in presenting nutrition education to students each year at every grade level.

III. Physical Education Guidelines
Opelika City Schools shall ensure that the requirements of the State Department of Education curriculum guide are met in presenting physical education each year to students at every grade level.

IV. Implementation and Review
Principals shall ensure that the wellness policies of Opelika City Schools are met in each school. Principals shall review this policy each year and submit any recommendations for change to the superintendent by June 30th for review by the committee.

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